As a result of the new CMS Emergency Preparedness Rule, many of our regional health partners are requesting information regarding emergency planning, training and exercises. Therefore, we have collaborated with our coalition partners to put together a collection of resources with respect to these regulations. We will continue to add more documents as they become available. If you would like to contribute to our resourse list, please email us at
Local Planning Guidelines
- Emergency Preparedness for Dialysis Facilities (document)
- Disaster Preparedness: A Guide for Chronic Dialysis Facilities (document)
- Kaiser Permanente Hazard Vulnerability Analysis (HVA) Template (document)
Local Training and Exercise Guidelines
- Training and Exercise Guide for Nursing Homes (document)
- Emergency Drill Toolkit for Dialysis Centers (document)
- Joint Commission After Action / Improvement Plan Template (document)
CMS Emergency Preparedness Rule
- CMS Provider Definitions (document)
- CMS Emergency Preparedness Rule Document (web document)
- CMS EP Rule Interpretive Guidance (document)
- Emergency Preparedness Rule Resources (website)
- ASPR TRACIE CMS Rule Resources (website)
- Final CMS Rules vs Jt Comm Reqs Crosswalk Oct 2016 MD (document)
- CMS February 2019 Update for Hospitals (document)
- Omnibus Burden Reduction (Conditions of Participation) Final Rule (website)
National Emergency Preparedness Exercise Resources
- Exercise Resources Page (website)
- Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP) (web document)
- FEMA Preparedness Toolkit HSEEP Resources (website)
- FEMA Independent Study Courses (website) (Search "Exercise")