ASPR Hospital Preparedness Program (HPP) / Public Health Emergency Preparedness (PHEP)
- ASPR 2019-2023 HPP Funding Opportunity Announcement (document)
- ASPR 2017-2022 Healthcare Preparedness and Response Capabilities (document)
- ASPR 2017-2022 HPP Performance Measures Implementation Guidance (document)
CMS Emergency Preparedness Rule
- CMS Emergency Preparedness Rule Document (web document)
- CMS EP Rule Interpretive Guidance (document)
- Emergency Preparedness Rule Resources (website)
- ASPR TRACIE CMS Rule Resources (website)
- Final CMS Rules vs Jt Comm Reqs Crosswalk Oct 2016 MD (document)
- CMS February 2019 Update for Hospitals (document)
- EMTALA and Disasters: Fact Sheet (web document)
- HIPAA and Disasters: What Every Emergency Professional Needs to Know (document)